May 15
Tokyo fashion is the first thing I noticed as we got off the train and headed to our first hotel. I am a complete tomboy here because everything is so frilly and super feminine. The first night we walked aroud the city searching for a ramen spot and you could tell that the women who were also out socializing were dying in their heels and pointy flats. It was like their feet were melting off their legs. I asked Cathy if that was why there were so many pigeon-toed ladies walking around. The other thing is that they wear their heels big so that they slip off their feet while they are walking, like slippers. It`s pretty impressive that they can withstand all that. I thought I was fashion before comfort, but I have been out to shame.
It`s Friday night and the town didn`t start getting packed until around 9pm. Before then it was pretty quiet. You could see groups of coworkers eating and drinking in suits. They must sell tons of suits here in Japan. It makes everything look so proper. Cathy says she always thought it would be cool to be an old person here because they go out and have so much fun. You can smell the liquor pouring off some of them. Tokyo is so clean and makes San Diego and LA look like a trash can. It`s kind of like Mexico City minus the street kids and people and the filth.